5 Benefits of Mutual Masturbation

Mutual masturbation is one of the hottest and most intimate sexual acts. It can be done in any context: quickly, slowly, passionately, next to each other, across the room from each other, across the world from each other. There are no limits to what you can do while you and your partner mutually pleasure yourselves.


You’re probably not aware of this, but there are benefits to mutual masturbation.

Apart from the health benefits of masturbation, it’s the ultimate way to find out what turns your lover on and makes them feel good. And in return, this is your perfect chance to actually show your partner exactly how you like to be teased, touched, caressed, and pleased.

In the words of Charlie Puth: “It’s Karma Sutra show and tell

Inside most of us, there’s a dirty, sneaky voyeuristic side that’s dying to come out. Mutual masturbation gives you and your partner the opportunity to sneak a peek while your lover is playing with themselves.

Just imagine your partner naked, all hot and sweaty, and touching themselves all over. Moaning softly and breathing more heavily by the second, until they reach the point of orgasm.

Now that’s a good way to spend your Christmas holiday.

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Never tried mutual masturbation in front of each other? Boy, you’re missing out!

When people try pleasuring themselves in the presence of their partner for the first time, they often feel a bit shy and hazardous. Masturbation should not be a taboo. Even between couples who’ve been together for a long time.

But opening up to each other about masturbation can actually make you closer as a couple. The great thing about mutual masturbation is that you’re both being vulnerable at the same time.

This can make it a lot less scary to pleasure yourself in front of your partner for the first time. Once you’ve tried mutual masturbation in the same room, lying next to your partner, you’ll be craving more, more, and more!


The beauty of mutual masturbation over other sexual acts is that it’s perfectly suitable for long-distance relationships. We conducted a survey with one thousand Americans who were in, or have been in a long-distance relationship.

According to the results of this survey, the absence of physical intimacy is considered the most difficult challenge by most people in a long-distance relationship. And especially during the Christmas season, nights can get quite lonely without your loving partner to hold you tight.

Luckily, thanks to the magic of the internet, couples in long-distance relationships can now mutually masturbate. By using their smartphones, Skype, or combine those with our interactive sex toys.

Thanks to this new generation of sex toys, you are not only able to just see and hear your partner, but you can actually feel them too. Finally, you can enjoy that physical, intimate touch you’ve missed for so long!


Sure, you and your partner can always use your trusty right hands when it comes to simultaneously giving yourselves some love during the holidays.

But why not step up your mutual masturbation game this Christmas season with some of our excellent sex toys? Not sure how to go about this for your sexual pleasure? We’re happy to walk you through it.

Take the Pearl2 and Onyx+ for example. You and your partner can go to town using your own sex toy. This can be done while lying next to each other in bed, but also when you’re thousands of miles apart.

Make sure you both connect your sex toy to the FeelConnect app. In the app, you’ll be able to find each other, so that you can control the movement of each other’s toys and the type of stimulation.

Every time you stroke the Pearl2 up and down, this movement will be mimicked by the Onyx+.

Just like the real thing!

If you prefer to be the one who calls the shots, you can also take the app on your phone and control the movement of your partner’s sex toy.

You can watch them enjoy themselves and slowly working their way up to a mind-blowing orgasm.

5 benefits of mutual Masturbation

Masturbation is fun and has loads of health benefits and you don’t just have to do it alone. You should be involving your partner in this intimate act. Need some convincing to bring up the topic? Here are 5 benefits of mutual masturbation.

1. Learn What Your Partner Loves

Everyone’s body works differently and what turned on your last partner won’t necessarily turn on your current one. Sure, the basics are similar, but in order to really blow their mind, you need to learn what turns them on – where to stroke, where to touch, where to gently caress.

Communication during sex is absolutely necessary, but watching someone pleasure themselves is the ultimate learning experience. Thought she liked clit action? She might spend the whole time without direct stimulation. Thought he liked it fast and rough? He might focus on long, slow strokes.

This is the perfect time to show your partner what you love. You get to learn from each other in the most intimate way. Take this new information and use it to your advantage the next time you’re pleasuring each other.

2. Have a Double-Quickie

Sometimes you’re getting ready for an event and the act of watching each other try on outfits escalates until you find yourself half-naked on the bed. If this happens right before you’re supposed to leave, it can be frustrating to decide between being rudely late or being sexually frustrated all night.

Cumming when in a rush is not the easiest feat because you don’t have time to get super warmed-up, play around and make each other orgasm. Unless… you do it yourself. You know what works best for you and your partner knows what works best for them.

Don’t hesitate to use sex toys if that’s what works for you. Together, you can orchestrate your own orgasms and still be on time for the party.

3. Get Your Voyeurism On

My partner and I are definitely voyeurs. We love watching other people have sex – whether it is happening live in front of us or happening on a screen. Something about it fascinates us and turns us on.

Now imagine that instead of watching someone you don’t know, you’re watching your partner. You’re watching them and they’re watching you – the energy is explosive. You get to hear their moans, see their twitches, and watch them peak.

Depending on what kind of voyeur you are, you can watch them from afar or up-close. It’s totally up to you, but if you’re into watching solo-acts being performed, you’re going to love this.

male masturbator kiiroo
4. Get Closer As A Couple

Often masturbation is hidden from partners. We’re all doing it, but for some reason, we don’t like to talk about it or admit to it. Letting your partner watch you can be a big step in your relationship – you’re letting them in on your secret.

Not everyone starts off comfortable showing their partner how they pleasure themselves. Mutual masturbation builds trust; it is all about non-verbal communication.

You can take one of their hands to play along with you and use one of your hands to reach places they might not usually touch (like the perineum). I guarantee you will feel closer as a couple afterward and liberated from the need to hide masturbation

5. Better Deal with Long Distance

Going on a business trip? Taking a course or going to a conference overseas? Text messages and Skype calls can only go so far. Of course, you miss your partner mentally, but there is also a large physical component to long-distance that needs to be dealt with.

Well, get online and get busy! Watching each other masturbate will make the distance between you feel much, much smaller. Now, with the technology of Kiiroo that distance will feel almost non-existent.

Sensations on the Pearl2 get directly felt on the Onyx+, while the Onyx+ users can control the vibrations on the Pearl2 (you can also mix and match toys as they relate to your relationships). With these toys you can physically feel each other – Kiiroo products allow next-level mutual masturbation.

Whether you have all night to enjoy each other or you’re rushing out the door, there are numerous benefits to getting down and dirty with yourself while having your partner involved.

If you haven’t tried it yet – whether you live close or far – we highly recommend mutual masturbation. You’ll learn what they love, get the hottest show, and feel closer than ever before. What are you waiting for? It’s time to share some self-love with the person you love.