The Face you make when you Orgasm
Oh, you know this face. Everyone knows this face. It’s the facial expression you make when you’re having an orgasm. Some of us, though we know what the ‘O’ face is, we don’t really think about it when having sex. But some people are very aware of their orgasm face during intimacy.
If you’re the latter, well, know you’re not alone on this. It���s normal to be aware of the facial expression you make during sex. We all want to look sexy and arousing during intimacy. But, the problem comes when you begin to feel self-conscious about your ‘O’ face.
Whether it’s in movies, tv shows, or porn, we’ve been taught that our orgasm face has to look a certain way—aka—Meg Ryan from When Harry Met Sally.
And if you haven’t seen the movie (though you should), the scene features Meg Ryan at a restaurant, tilting her head back effortlessly. While she closes her eyes and erotically opens her mouth, releasing a sensual moan. It was a flawless scene, but it wasn’t real. No one looks like that when climaxing.
Naturally, sex isn’t supposed to look like a scene from When Harry Met Sally. Sex is messy, sweaty, and intense; there’s supposed to be pain and pleasure. But with popular culture pushing unrealistic standards in the bedroom, no wonder people are self-conscious and tense up when having sex.
And this isn’t just for women; this problem occurs with men as well. People are more concerned about how they look during intimacy; rather than being in the moment with another person.
The Problem with the ��O’ Face
There’s actually no problem with the face you make when you climax. It’s your natural facial expression when receiving intense pleasure. If you’re making an orgasm face, obviously, you’re experiencing the best kind of orgasm—and that’s a good thing.
The only problem with the ‘O’ face is the fact we’re not accepting it as a natural part of intimacy and pleasure. If you’re constantly concerned about how you look during the climax, you prevent yourself from letting go and truly experiencing intimacy with your partner.
When this happens, you reduce your ability to orgasm and essentially reduce the quality of your sex life. By not accepting our ‘O’ face, it can interfere with our sex lives and reduce pleasure.
How to Embrace Your ‘O’ Face
Here’s the thing, you don’t want to live an orgasm-less life. There’s no fun in that. While you may tense up during sex, it’s now time to work on that and learn to overcome this insecurity.
The goal is to get out of your head and focus on being present. It’ll take some time, but why don’t you start off with masturbating alone. You can use sex toys to help you achieve orgasm and focus on enjoying the moment.
Pain and pleasure go hand-in-hand. If you want to receive pleasure, you’ll need to experience this growing pain of working through this insecurity. So, grab some sex toys, put some music on and let yourself dive into the moment without focusing on things that really don’t matter.
When you’re with your partner, if you feel comfortable, talk to them about this. Express how you feel and see their reaction. Contrary to what you may believe, the odds are your partner loves the way you look when your climaxing.
Your ‘O’ face shows your partner that you’re truly enjoying the experience with them, and that’s sexy. Everyone wants to know that their partner is feeling pleasure with them, and your ‘O’ face confirms that.
Also, remember that everyone has an orgasm face. You’re no different than the other 7 billion people on this earth. And believe me, their orgasm faces don’t look like something from a movie either.
Movies are movies for a reason; they’re not real. Take your orgasm face and embrace it! It’s the face you make when you’ve hit ultimate pleasure, and that’s an amazing experience to feel for a person.
You want to have the best kind of orgasm; who doesn’t? If that’s going to happen, you’re going to need to let go of unrealistic beauty standards and just enjoy receiving pleasure from your partner.
Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and author of her short stories on TheLonelySerb. She completed her first degree in Criminology and continued and finished her Masters in Investigative Psychology, but then decided to follow her true passion of writing.
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