Why Women Should Watch Porn Too
For the longest time, porn was viewed as an all-boys club and, to some extent, it’s still seen that way. Although one study by Marie Claire has shown that more than a third of western women watch porn at least once a week the public figure of the porn-loving female is still rather unkind.
But with so many women turning to pornography, it’s time we were all a bit more forgiving about the porn habits of women. And, for any woman who has considered watching porn but has shied away for fear or judgment, don’t worry; I’ve got your back. In this article, we’re going to look at why women should watch porn too, and the positive impacts that it can provide.
It’s Normal
Of the survey previously mentioned 41% said that watching porn was something secretive that they ‘didn’t want anyone to know about’. Meanwhile, 20% said they felt embarrassed or ashamed by their pornography habits. If only those respondents knew that 92% of the people participating in the survey admitted to watching porn, perhaps they would have felt a bit more assured in their own habits.
The fact of the matter is that the consumption of pornography among women is completely normal, natural and healthy. So feel free to enjoy your porn without guilt or shame. (However, if keeping your porn habits a secret feels like a risqué bit of playful fun then no judgment here).
It Can Lead to Masturbation (Which is Great!)
When giving their reasons for watching porn 73% of women said that porn provided a quick road to an orgasm, which is fantastic.
As you may have read in Kiiroo’s recent Masturbation Month celebrations masturbation comes with a wealth of benefits: including reducing stress, boosting one’s self-esteem, reducing the risk of UTIs, to name just a few.
Using pornography as a way to explore one’s body further is a great way to break the ice, ease your way in, and really find what feels good to you. Which brings me on to my next point…
It Allows You to Fantasize
A whopping 44% of women in the Marie Claire survey said that they watched Lesbian porn, 31% said it was a mixed bag, 28% watched Hardcore porn, and 26% watched porn that they could only describe as ‘arty’. Pornhub has also stated that women seem to enjoy queer erotica, with Lesbian porn topping the ranks for female viewers.
Now, does this mean that 44% of all women are closet lesbians? Of course not! In fact, 83% of the Marie Claire participants were straight. However, the mind can be a funny thing and sometimes it will wander to places we don’t expect.
For those who enjoy the idea of Lesbian porn, hard-core sex scenes or overly artsy displays of affection, porn provides a perfect arena to explore these fantasies in a safe and enjoyable manner. Who can complain about that?
It Makes You a Better Lover
While orgasms may have been the name of the game for 73% of respondents, 39% also said that pornography gave them ideas to use in their sex life, 32% said it was an active part of their sex lives, and 17% said that it helped them figure out their partner’s likes and dislikes. Meanwhile, 36% admitted that pornography made them feel like a rockstar, as someone who took control of their own sexuality.
With all of the perks of porn that we’ve already discussed is it any surprise that watching pornography can some with such positive benefits during partner play too? A great creative outlet, a tool for learning how your body works, and a great way to build that arousal, porn is a fantastic tool for sexual interactions when used correctly.
A study undertaken by Alderson and Resch found that couples who watched porn together reported higher levels of honesty and communication, which translated into a happy relationship. So make that porn session a mutual one and you may see increased sexual satisfaction all around.
See also Sharing Smut: Viewing Adult Content as a Couple.
It Helps Transform the Genre
In addition to helping women live out their fantasies, Women’s Health has another theory as to why women might enjoy Lesbian porn over other content. “Women are looking for porn that appeals to their needs”, they explain, “Since a lot of male/female porn doesn’t address what straight women desire, it makes sense that they’d look elsewhere”.
There’s certainly truth in this. One of the disadvantages of the porn scene being viewed as prevalently ‘for men’ means that a lot of heterosexual porn does cater to a male audience. As such sexual acts that men favor are often the norm and a lot of it is seen from the man’s PoV, indulging in the male gaze.
Lesbian porn, by comparison, is all about women’s needs, and so it caters to all women’s needs more, straight or queer. But now things are changing for the better.
As more women come out and express their love of porn the market continues to change and grow to meet and consider their needs. Feelporna.com even have interactive porn which caters to the female user’s experiences and allows them to feel everything through the use of the Kiiroo Pearl2. Women’s position as a pornographic consumer, not just on the sidelines, but at the center of a pleasant experience, is finally being acknowledged and it’s all because we’re feeling more confident in our consumption of pornography.
So whether you’re part of the one-third already enjoying porn frequently or you’re on the other side of the statistic I urge you to give pornography a chance and to pursue it with confidence and pride. Our actions really can change the industry and, in turn, provide us with more opportunities to embrace our own desires.
Written by
Emmeline Peaches