That's What She Said - Adult Party Game Review

That's What She Said - Adult Party Game Review


6 months ago we launched KIIROO TV
A Channel Dedicated to Sexual Education, Debates on Ethics, Sex related banter and Innovations in the fields of Sex Tech and Adult Entertainment.

Table Top Games

A big mainstream trend in general entertainment has been the rise of Table Top Games. Think of the physical party/board/card games.
Board games, role playing games, collectible card games and table top war games are currently in their glory days.

Companies like Games Workshop, Wizards of the Coast and 999 Games aren't able to create new games fast enough. They are selling like hot cakes.
Countless hundreds of crowdfunding projects in the gaming sphere see the light of day every month.

With so many different type of party games out there it's no surprise that a niche within that field would be dedicated to Adult themes.

Party Games for Adults

Adult party games are in ample supply. At KIIROO TV we have bought an entire crate of these games and we plan on reviewing them so you can find out if the game suits you and your friends. We're not testing out the dime a dozen crazy "sex act" dice sets. We're not testing out the 1 on 1 partner games. We are going over the Adult Party Games. Games you can play with friends, lovers, family and neighbors. Games that stimulate conversation and help to get people to know each other.

For us it's important that people have a good laugh while playing adult games.
That the tasks/cards/missions aren't too offensive for our tastes. Not virtue signaling, but we just get annoyed at homo/trans -phobic rhetoric or games that celebrate coercion or acts of abuse. We are also very watchful for adult party games that promote Prudeness or based in puritanical values.
That doesn't mean that we throw away a game if it features any of these subjects. But it needs to be featured in a context where it makes the players think about these subjects. Or where it helps creating a dialogue where people can voice their opinions and walk away having learned something.

This time, we've given the Adult Card Game "That's what she said" a play through.

Let us know in the video's comment section what you think of that game.

Also don't be a stranger on Twitter, and make sure to tell us what game you think we should play next.

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