Help us Explore the world of Gay VR

Looking for Gay Oriented Virtual Reality Porn

Hi friends!

did you just say Gay VR?
We did, didn’t we!
Stop giggling and join our collective hive-mind ;)

We are really curious about discovering new Gay VR content!
We think we’ve got our eyes on the main players, but we are always happy to dive deeper into the rabbit hole.
So, why not try crowd-sourcing some knowledge? After all, our readership mainly consists of sex-positive tech enthusiasts!
You guys are the true innovators and early adopters in the industry! The Experts entrenched at the forefront of the Sex Tech Revolution.

If you have a favorite site or run a site yourself that (also) features Gay Oriented Content (Same Gender Erotic Content), please tip us off!
We hope to discover new VR Gay Porn Videos, Games and Interactive Erotic Experiences.

Send us your suggestions and tips to and use Gay VR as a title in the subject line.

We will raffle off a Kiiroo VR headset amongst the first 1000 people who mail us by the end of June (2017)!
Don’t forget to mention if you want to remain anonymous or not if you happen to win the Virtual Reality Headset.

Warm regards from Amstedam,

Team Kiiroo