Modern media has given us quite the paradox in terms of bodily expectations. On the one hand, we’re all expected to be (or, at the very least, frequently presented with) flawless, pristine versions of humanity. But on the other hand, we also have an extreme obsession with going supersized and generally wanting more from both ourselves and the world around us.
It is perhaps because of this that Jelqing has become the penis enlarging practice of choice for many individuals — as it combines these two desires in a seemingly appealing manner.
Jelqing, what is it?
Jelqing (also known as ‘milking’) is a penis enlarging process that involves stroking a flaccid or semi-flaccid penis in a certain way for a certain amount of repetitions in the hopes of achieving enlargement.
The practice is said to have originated in the Middle East, having Arabic origins, and thus comes with an air of ‘ancient wisdom’ or traditionalism that may appeal to some.
In theory, Jelqing works by stimulating the blood flow of the penis.
This is said to increase length and girth over time. Advocates of Jelqing suggest it takes roughly a month of dedicated exercise before results will start to show.
The Benefits of Jelqing
Among the Jelqing community, many individuals have enthusiastically reported positive benefits from engaging in Jelqing — with their general consensus being that Jelqing has improved the size and girth of their penis. Unlike some penis enlarging practices, Jelqing also avoids using a vacuum or and form of invasive surgery. Quite the opposite — Jelqing can be done in the comfort of one’s own home at any time, giving the practitioner a sense of ease and control over their penis enlarging exercises.
Because Jelqing doesn’t involve much in the way of equipment it’s also an easy way to go about penis enlargement in a discreet manner. There is no need to hide a pump, explain trips away, or anything else of the sort. This may be important for those who are feeling incredibly insecure about their penis size.
The Downsides of Jelqing
Although Jelqing clearly has a large following it’s worth noting that there are no rigorous studies looking into the objective benefits of Jelqing nor its measurable results. Any information is typically anecdotal and some individuals even recommend Jelqing despite signs of physical strain.
The physical impact of Jelqing is something to be very aware of. Jelqing has been associated (even by supporters of the act) with red, black, or purple spots forming on the penis (a result of damage to the capillaries), an uneven swelling of the penis (common in those who are circumcised), a loss of sensation during sex, the development of scar tissue (from the repetition of the rubbing), and even shrinking of the penis.
Jelqing is, therefore, a rather dangerous practice to undertake, especially considering it is usually done at home via self-taught techniques. Yes, Youtube and similar sites have some great tutorials but it might be worth drawing the line when it comes to your genitalia.
The supposed ancient origins of Jelqing are also dubious, as LiveScience writer Christopher Wanjek notes that Jelqing is ‘conspicuously absent from medical and Arabic dictionaries’. Overall Wanjek considers the practice to be dangerous and superfluous.
‘Testimonials abound on the Internet. The exercise makes no sense biologically, however, and one runs the risk of tearing blood vessels and losing sensitivity if one tugs too hard for too long’ Wanjek states. ‘Simply put, there is no safe way to enlarge one’s penis; and for the vast majority of men, there is no reason to do so.’
The Popularity of Jelqing
But if Jelqing comes with so many potential downsides (and very few benefits) then why is it so popular among some social groups?
There’s a strong argument to be made that it is modern societal pressures that encourage men to Jelq (and seek out other penis enlarging methods) and that such drives are fuelled by a sense of imposed inadequacy.
To quote Lawrence D. Blum M.D in his article Penis Size: A Consideration of Fantasy and Reality, ‘Freud was both right and wrong about penis envy. Does it exist? Yes. In women? Occasionally. In men? Almost always.’
Small Penis Syndrome is the official term for any male who is worried about the size of their penis and such apprehensions are, largely, psychological. In one study of average penis lengths among those who suffer from SPS researchers found that only 2.28% of the male population were considered to be ‘abnormally small’ with the rest simply showing a mental dissatisfaction with their penis.
Regardless of the facts, Jelqing appeals to those who do have such insecurities and provides a suggested method for treatment for those in need. The problem is that this treatment is potentially dangerous, the benefits are unmeasurable, and there’s usually nothing physically wrong with the individual to start with. Hardly a combination for success.
So What Are The Alternatives?
So if Jelqing is unproven to help with penis enlargement then what options do concerned individuals have?
The answer is psychological rather than physical.
When it comes to the medical consensus the agreement is that most men are of an average penis size and that most penis enlarging treatments are ineffective, often expensive, and even potentially harmful.
Instead it is recommended that men with concerns about their penis go and consult their GP, share their concerns, and seek treatment for their emotional ties to penis size rather than their physical qualities.
‘Often, counselling can make a real difference to the patient by building self-esteem, correcting distorted views about body image and learning more about what makes people attractive’ says Professor Kevan Wylie.
In the grand scheme of things size may just matter, but only in terms of the size of a person’s self-confidence and ability to be compassionate with their body.
Written by:
Dr. Emmeline Peaches
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